Friday, July 26, 2013

Baby's First Picture

Today we saw our baby for the first time.
It was one of the best days of my life so far. All these blogs I've done since we confirmed we were pregnant have been great and it kept me motivated and have been preparing me for what it is to come. Everything so far felt so superficial compared to what it was about to happen. 

I didn't know it yet but my whole world was about change.

All of the sudden it became real, our baby was moving, a lot, waving his/her little arms and bouncing from one side to the other, this baby was having a blast in there, and we were in awe.
I couldn't speak, I couldn't cry, I couldn't think, all I was doing was staring at the screen looking at our baby.

The nurse asked if we wanted to see the heartbeat, seriously? you have to ask if we want to, of course we want to, I thought, but all that came out of my mouth was a simple "yes"and there it was, baby's heart beating and all of my fears of the unknowns faded and then it happened, we fell in love with our baby a love that I've never felt before, a different love and it was all for our baby.

When we left the lab with the ultrasound printouts we sat in the car and stared at them and shared it with our families because we knew they were just as anxious to see baby as we were and it hasn't been the same, I knew I was not the same person that was in that lobby waiting to get an ultrasound done, I mean I knew I had a human growing inside of me, but it was not until that moment when Jonathan and I saw baby's body and heartbeat that something clicked, "We are having our own baby" I don't have to ask for permission to carry baby, I don't have to give baby back to anyone when baby gets fussy, I don't have to, because baby will be all ours.

God has trusted us with one of our own and we are excited to welcome baby next February. 

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