Friday, July 26, 2013

Baby's First Picture

Today we saw our baby for the first time.
It was one of the best days of my life so far. All these blogs I've done since we confirmed we were pregnant have been great and it kept me motivated and have been preparing me for what it is to come. Everything so far felt so superficial compared to what it was about to happen. 

I didn't know it yet but my whole world was about change.

All of the sudden it became real, our baby was moving, a lot, waving his/her little arms and bouncing from one side to the other, this baby was having a blast in there, and we were in awe.
I couldn't speak, I couldn't cry, I couldn't think, all I was doing was staring at the screen looking at our baby.

The nurse asked if we wanted to see the heartbeat, seriously? you have to ask if we want to, of course we want to, I thought, but all that came out of my mouth was a simple "yes"and there it was, baby's heart beating and all of my fears of the unknowns faded and then it happened, we fell in love with our baby a love that I've never felt before, a different love and it was all for our baby.

When we left the lab with the ultrasound printouts we sat in the car and stared at them and shared it with our families because we knew they were just as anxious to see baby as we were and it hasn't been the same, I knew I was not the same person that was in that lobby waiting to get an ultrasound done, I mean I knew I had a human growing inside of me, but it was not until that moment when Jonathan and I saw baby's body and heartbeat that something clicked, "We are having our own baby" I don't have to ask for permission to carry baby, I don't have to give baby back to anyone when baby gets fussy, I don't have to, because baby will be all ours.

God has trusted us with one of our own and we are excited to welcome baby next February. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Oh Baby! {Week 11}

Week 11
baby is the size of a Lime
Weight +2 lbs
Waist +3.5 inches
cravings: Anything that I can put chile and lime on it and toast with Nutella.
Dislikes: Nothing in particular, I have been able to eat anything I want.

This week was busy, I am in the process of getting a new job and at the same time scheduling doctor's appointments and coming and going to different places to make it all happen was a bit hectic but over all I've felt a lot better compared to last week.

Every week is a new adventure, and this week was not the exception. I feel less tired, nausea is still around but definitely was not an issue this week, a ginger ale or a cracker will do the trick every time, also I carry TUMS in my purse everywhere I go and whenever I feel like my stomach is acting up I pop one in and that helps.

During the day I feel pretty good, I get tired easily now but I manage to get things done even though if I am in bed it takes me longer to just get up and do it, of course I'd rather stay in bed, but I manage to get everything I need to get done and my day goes a lot faster when I am busy.
NIghts on the other hand have changed a lot, as I mentioned before I can not lay on my side for a long period of time, especially on my right side, it used to cause me nausea but now it is just painful and I rather not go through that if I don't have to. The left side is uncomfortable but I can handle it for a while so I can give my back a rest.
Before I got pregnant I was a heavy sleeper, once I was out I was out until the next day, nothing would wake me up, but know between mandatory night trips to the bathroom, to any little movement of the bed or any little noise will wake me, I can easily go back to sleep but I find myself being more aware of my surrounding at nights Oh and nausea appears all of the sudden and sometimes just my stomach will feel so bloated and uncomfortable that I have to sit up, but with all of these I still manage to get a good night sleep every time, so I am not complaining.

My belly has definitely made an appearance this week, my shorts and pants are a lot tighter now, just last night I ordered some belly bands because now I have to unbutton my pants when I sit down because they are just getting a little tighter and it is uncomfortable.
My shirts still fit, haven't seen a big difference other than you can see my bloated belly in some of them and right now I am that awkward stage where I don't look pregnant I just look like I don't watch what I eat, but I do! I promise, it is just that  it is not big enough nor is like it used to be.

Semana 11
bebe es de el tamaño de una Lima
Peso +2 libras
Cintura +2 pulgadas
Antojos: Cualquier cosa que le pueda poner chile y limón y pan tostado con Nutella.
No me gusta: Nada en particular, eh podido comer todo lo que se me antoje.

Esta semana estuvo muy ocupada, entre el proceso de un nuevo trabajo y programando las idas al doctor, llendo y viniendo de un lado para el otro estuve muy ocupada, pero lo bueno es que esta semana me sentí muchisimo mejor que la pasada.

Cada semana es una nueva aventura y esta semana no fue la excepción. Me siento menos cansada, La nausea todavía siguen aquí pero definitivamente mas leves que la semana pasada, un ginger ale o una galleta salada me hacen sentir mejor cuando siento nausea, también traigo antiácidos en la bolsa y cuando empiezo a sentir molestias me tomo uno y con eso basta.

Durante el dia me siento muy bien, me canso mas rápido que antes pero puedo hacer todos los quehaceres, pero si estoy en la cama me toma mas tiempo levantarme pero cuando me muevo y me mantengo ocupada el día se me va mas rápido.
Las noches son otra historia,  como ya había mencionado antes no me puedo acomodar de mi lado derecho, antes solo me causaba nauseas pero ahora es mas incomodo y hace que me de mucha molestia en mi estomago y prefiero evitarlo. Pero el lado Izquierdo no esta tan mal, me da un poco de nauseas si me quedo mucho tiempo de ese lado pero mínimo le puedo dar un descanso a mi espalda. 
Antes de estar embarazada yo dormia como una roca, nada me levantaba, pero ahora entre las idas mandatorias al baño hasta cualquier movimiento pequeño de la cama o cualquier ruidito me despierta aunque no me cuesta trabajo volverme a dormir pero me siento mas consiente de mis alrededores ahora, y la ocasional nausea en la noche que me hace sentir incomoda pero entre todos esos malestares nocturnos todavía puedo dormir bien y sentirme descansada así que no me puedo quejar.

Mi estomago definitivamente hizo su debut esta semana, mis shorts y pantalones ya me quedan mas apretados que las semanas anteriores y acabo de ordenar unas bandas para extenderlos y que no sean tan incomodos porque ahora tengo que desabrochar el botón casi cada que me siento.
Las blusas todavia me quedan todas, aunque ahora estoy en esa etapa desagradable done no se mira que estoy embarazada pero parece que no cuido lo que como y nomas tengo un estomago grande, pero nimodo.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Oh Baby {Week 10}

Week 10
baby is the size of a Prune
Weight +5 lbs
Waist +2.5 inches
cravings: Jamba Juice, especially the Pomegranate one.
Dislikes: Still just strong smells, if it is too smelly I won't eat it.

This week was rough. Morning sickness is still my loyal companion day and night and this week was just overwhelming. 
Thursday night I was not able to sleep more than 2 hours, every time I would lay down and try to go to sleep my stomach would get really sick and I would feel like I was about to throw up but nothing came out. It went on ALL NIGHT. After praying,reading, crying and not being able to get anything out of my system finally I was able to fall asleep while seating down and I had to do the same the following night.
By Sunday I was back to normal but with intense nausea episodes but was able to sleep through the night.

I have been shedding 2 pounds a week so far, which is understandable because due to nausea I can't eat big meals and a lot of things that I like but I still try to eat at least three good meals a day even if they are smaller, and some snacks in between.

This week was back to being in bed as much as I could because of nausea, I was not very tired but any sudden movement would cause me to be dizzy and sick to my stomach.
I have been feeling all kinds of movement in my belly, even though I know baby is way too small to be felt and it must just be air and muscles stretching it gets me very excited to know that baby will eventually be kicking and moving inside my belly.

My daily walks have been helping a lot with my mood and over all energy, I feel like I might be able to jog for a little, if nausea doesn't get on my way.
I am still wearing my regular clothes, some pants have been fitting me a little tighter than usual in the waist/hip area but over all I've had no problems yet. I am looking in to getting a belly band pretty soon to be able to be more comfortable in my clothes for as long as I can wear them.

Hormones are still going crazy trying to adjust to growing a human in my belly, so I get a new pimple on my face every week, a little annoying I am not going to lie, since I've never had a problem with this things, not even when I was growing up.

Our doctor visit is fast approaching and we are very excited to see how our baby is growing and possibly hear a heartbeat pretty soon.

Semana 10
bebe es de el tamaño de una ciruela pasa
Peso +2 libras
Cintura +1.5 pulgadas
Antojos: Licuados de Jamba Juice, en especial de granada.
No me gusta: Sigo rechazando cualquier cosa que tenga un olor fuerte, si huele mucho no lo como.

Esta Semana estuvo pesada. Las nauseas siguen siendo mis fieles compañeras de dia y de noche y esta semana fuero muy abrumadoras.
El Jueves en la noche no pude dormir mas de dos horas, cada vez que trataba de acostarme a dormir sentia que iba a devolver el estomago pero nada salía y así estuve toda la noche.
Después de leer un rato, de orar y llorar se hicieron las 4:30 de la mañana y me pude quedar dormida medio sentada y así tuve que dormir las siguiente noche también.
Para el Domingo ya me sentia que regresaba a la normalidad pero con algunos episodios de nauseas intensas ocasionalmente.

Durante estas ultimas semanas eh estado perdiendo 2 libras a la semana, que es comprensible porque por las nauseas no eh podido comer porciones grandes o todo lo que me gusta, pero si trato de comer aunque sea tres comidas al dia y aperitivos entre comidas.

Esta semana fue de vuelta a la cama lo mas que podía por las nauseas, ya no estoy tan cansada como al principio pero cualquier movimiento brusco me revuelve el estomago y me mareo.
También eh estado sintiendo mucho movimiento en mi estomago, aunque se que mi bebe esta aun muy pequeño para sentirse y es puro aire y músculos moviendose y me emociona pensar que pronto crecerá mas y podré sentir cada movimiento dentro de mi.

Mis caminatas diarias me han ayudado a darme mas energia y me hacen sentir mejor, ya siento que hasta puedo trotar un poco, si las nauseas me dejan.
Todavia uso mi ropa regular, algunos pantalones me quedan un poco ajustados de la cadera pero nomas. Eh estado contemplando comprar una banda elástica para mis pantalones para poder usar mi ropa lo mas que pueda.

Las hormonas siguen como locas tratando de ajustarse a que estoy creciendo un humano en mi estomago y cada semana me sale un barrito nuevo en la cara, que es muy frustrante para mi ya que nunca eh tenido ese problema antes.

Nuestra visita al doctor ya se acerca y estamos muy emocionados de poder ver como va creciendo nuestro bebe y posiblemente escuchar el latido de su corazón muy pronto.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fun at Pier1

Once in a while my husband and I have some errands to run and we are not too excited about it, so we try to make the most out of grocery shopping, taking care of things so  we like to go to our favorite stores and just walk around and fill our brains with inspiration.
Pier1 Imports is a great place to go and get new inspiration for new projects, for our place or just to unwind. 
I love our spontaneous fun. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oh Baby {Week 9}

Week 9
baby is the size of a Green Olive
Weight +7 lbs.
Waist +2 in
cravings: Enchiladas & Chinese food from Mexicali
Dislikes: Anything that has a strong smell

Time is going way to fast and I am trying to document as much as I can because I have a very bad memory and I know once my belly is big I won't be able to remember what I used to look like before the baby bump.

The days have been over cast lately that's why the gloomy feeling of the pictures but that has nothing to do with my mood.
This week was a breath of fresh air for me, I am not as tired as before I almost feel like a normal person again with energy to clean (an activity that I very much enjoy), do my hair and just regular activities that I just had no energy for. I didn't find myself falling asleep every time I blinked and that feels awesome, I don't know how long this will last or if the fatigue is finally gone for good but I am not worried about it, I am very much enjoying having some energy back.

Nausea is still around, this week my sense of smell has been stronger than ever, I always wondered when pregnant women mentioned that they could smell everything stronger if I would be able to differentiate between a regular smell to a "SMELL" and oh boy!!! I can SMELL everything and most of the time that triggers some nausea. Ginger Ale has been doing the trick and keeping my stomach busy doesn't leave much room for nausea to come out but now and then when someone is cooking or eating close to me certain smells I just can't help it.

This week I lost 2 pounds, I've read it is normal for some women to gain weight and for some other's to loose weight. Well this week I have been eating anything I feel like eating but it has been mostly lean meat, chicken (lots of it) and fruits and veggies and drinking a lot of water, so I guess that is the reason of my weight loss and I feel great.

This week I have been to the bathroom more than usual, a lot of times a day, this is the first week where I see a difference in that aspect, another sign that baby is growing!

Semana 9
bebe es de el tamaño de una Aceituna Verde
Peso +5 libras
Cintura +1 pulgada
Antojos: Enchiladas y Comida china de Mexicali
No me gusta: Cualquier cosa que tenga un olor fuerte

El tiempo se ha ido volando estoy tratando de documentar lo mas que pueda porque tengo una muy mala memoria y estoy segura de que cuando mi estomago crezca no voy a recordar como me veía antes.

Los dias han estado nublados por eso las dos ultimas fotos se ven medio grises pero nosotros estamos muy contentos.
Esta semana ha sido una semana diferente, no me siento tan cansada como al principio, casi me siento como una personal normal otra vez, con energía para limpiar (que me gusta mucho), peinar mi cabello y otras actividades normales que nomas no tenia la energía para hacer. Esta semana no me sentí que me dormía cada vez que parpadeaba y eso se siente muy bien. No se por cuanto tiempo estoy va a durar o si la fatiga ya se fue por completo pero no me preocupa, estoy disfrutando que tengo mas energía estos días.

Todavia tengo nausea, Esta semana mi sentido del olfato esta a todo lo que da, Siempre me preguntaba cuando mujeres embarazadas decían eso sobre el olfato si yo podría diferenciar un olor normal a uno que olía demasiado solo por estar embarazada, Y si!!  puedo OLER todo y cada uno de esos olores me causa nausea. Tomar Ginger Ale me ha ayudado a detener las nauseas y también el comer constantemente pero cuando alguien esta cocinando o comiendo ciertas cosas no lo puedo evitar.

Esta semana perdi 2 libras, Eh leido que es normal para algunas personas ganar peso y para otras perder peso, y en mi caso esta semana eh estado comiendo mas saludable, mucho pollo, frutas y verduras y tomando mucha agua, esa debe de ser la razón por mi perdida de peso. Pero me siento muy bien.

También esta semana eh notado un cambio en cuantas veces voy al baño. Voy muchas veces al día, y esta semana fue la primera vez que note una diferencia en ese aspecto, pero eso es solo otra señal de que nuestro bebe esta creciendo!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Taco Tuesday

On Tuesday we had tickets for the Padre game at Petco Park and what do you know it was Taco Tuesday at the ballgame.
So we were very excited about it until we sat down with our tacos and they were cold, with tons of onion and the tortilla just fell apart before you could even pick it up, but that didn't stop us from having a great time at the ball game.
It was a very fun game, the Padres won and we all had a great time with the Ramirez's.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence day!

This fourth of July was pretty unconventional but that is the beauty of life with my husband, we love spending time together and it doesn't matter what we are doing as long as we are together.
We didn't make any plans for this day at all, usually we know in advance if we are spending the day at the beach with friends or family but this year we decided to just go with the flow.
We slept in and had a simple breakfast at home and drove to San Marcos to buy something he had found on craigslist.
By the time we were done we were very close to one of our favorite BBQ restaurants and we had to stop and have lunch at Mike's BBQ.
Then we spent the next hour visiting the different Target stores that were on our way looking for ginger ale for my nausea and we didn't find the brand I wanted until we got home and went to the Target next door and there was only one case left.
We then rented a movie and waited for my in laws to get home from the beach to go see fireworks at the park.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Oh Baby {Week 8}

Week 8
baby is the size of a Raspberry
Weight +9pounds
Waist +2 inches
Cravings: Watermelon and Apples
Dislikes: the smell of peanut butter still but I can eat it now just can't smell others eating it.

This week fatigue has really taken a toll on me, even though I take a nap at least once a day I am not just tired I am also cranky and the weather doesn't help, since it has been humid and hot I just get very short tempered and sleepy, not a good combination but my husband has been a champ about it.
Some days I do not feel like getting out of bed but I get so hot I just need to get out of the house and walk around. 
Since my husband loves body boarding this time of year I have been going to the beach and get to walk for a little bit and enjoy the breeze that has been a great relief.

Nausea got a little bit more annoying this week even though I haven't throw up at all (and I am praying it stays that way) nausea has been very uncomfortable and with it comes lack of appetite but I still force myself to eat. Fruits and vegetables have been my major craving and life savers, I can eat any fruit or salads of all sorts and it makes me feel better.
It is very interesting that I can not lay on my right side or I get extremely nauseous, so I try to fall asleep on my left side and if move to my back it is ok, but whenever I am on my right side I wake up feeling very sick.

I have been walking 3miles almost every day with my friend Mayra, that helps me get out of the routine and even when I don't feel like it, we go and I feel better afterwards.
I have seen a little bit of weight gain, a pound a week, not bad but I am looking forward to our doctor's appointment in a few weeks to make sure I am growing at a healthy rhythm.

Semana 8
bebe es de el tamaño de una Frambuesa
Peso +9 libras
Cintura +2 pulgadas
Antojos: Sandia y Manzanas
No me gusta: todavia el olor de la crema de cacahuate pero si la puedo comer nomas que no puedo olerla cuando alguien mas la esta comiendo.

Esta semana la fatiga ha sido mi peor enemigo. Aunque duermo durante el dia de todas maneras estoy muy cansada y con un poco de mal humor y como el clima ah estado húmedo y caliente no es una buena combinación. Pero mi esposo ah sido muy comprensivo. 
Algunos días no quiero ni levantarme de la cama de lo cansada que estoy pero el calor me gana y como en estas fechas mi esposo va muy seguido a surfear a la playa me voy con el y puedo caminar un rato y refrescarme y eso me ayuda mucho.

La nausea aumento un poco mas esta semana, aunque solo son malestares y no eh vomitado (Gracias a Dios) si ah sido muy incomodo y me quita las ganas de comer, pero de todas maneras me hago comer a fuerzas, lo bueno es que las frutas y las verduras han sido mi salvación.
Otra cosa que me causa nausea y malestar es cuando me acuesto del lado derecho, no puedo por alguna razón, así que cuando me voy a dormir trato de quedarme dormida del lado izquierdo o boca arriba pero del lado derecho nomas no puedo o despierto con muchísima nausea.

Eh estado caminando 3millas casi todos días, me ayuda a salir de la rutina si no tengo mucho que hacer y aunque aveces no tengo muchas ganas de ir se que al terminar las 3 millas me sentiré mejor.
Eh ganado un poco de peso pero ah sido solo una libra por semana y no parece tan mal, pero estoy esperando la cita con el medico en unas cuantas semanas para estar segura de cuanto es lo saludable.

Monday, July 1, 2013

June in Snapshots

June was a sweet month, celebrated my mom's birthday and my birthday, turning 27 was hard but when we found out we were pregnant it all got better.
The weather started to change we had many hot days here in SD and even though many people from out of town say "it doesn't get hot in San Diego" for people like us who grew up in the area I can honestly say it DOES get hot and June was definitely the beginning of summer.
Very excited for the next months where this blog will be full of belly pictures and baby talk!

Here is May