Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Oh Baby {Week 7}

So I've been reading a lot about pregnancy, the dos and don'ts and all that jazz. One of the things that I've read the most is that it is nice to keep a journal.
So what a better way to keep family who are far away and friends updated about our journey to parenthood than to start blogging about it.

I will be recording my weight and waist size, I will start at 1 since I have gained a pound and therefore my belly is an inch bigger since we found out we were pregnant.

Week 7
baby is the size of a Blueberry
Weight +8 pounds
Waist +1 inches
Cravings: nothing in particular yet
Dislikes: the smell of peanut butter

One of the early pregnancy symptom that I've experienced the most is fatigue. I am sleepy and tired all day and all night long. It does not matter how many naps I take, how early or how late I go to sleep at night it just never goes away. I have been able to manage by taking a nap in the middle of the day since I am on summer break and by going to sleep pretty early at night, it just doesn't seem to go away.

I have also experienced nausea almost every day but it is very mild and I seem to get it just a bit stronger if I go without eating for longs periods of time, so I make sure I carry crackers or veggies with me all the time.

One of the biggest challenges for me so far is getting used to drinking so much water. I am ok at drinking water on a daily basis but 64oz a day is a lot. The closest i've been to the 64oz required is 50/64 which is not bad but I'll continue to try.

Yesterday I started feeling my muscles moving and making room for my baby to grow, I was laughing pretty hard and all of the sudden I felt a pain in the middle of my belly and ever since I've felt my abdominal muscles pulling and stretching at times and it just feels weird but nothing I can't handle.

Other than that I don't feel much of a difference yet, it has been good so far.

Empezare a documentar cada semana de mi embarazo aqui para que la familia y amigos que esten interesados en ver como nos va estos proximos meses y para que puedan estar al tanto de como vamos.

Semana 7
bebe es el tamaño de un Arandano
Peso +1 libra
Cintura +1 pulgada
Antojos: Nada en particular todavia
No me gusta: El olor de la crema de cacahuate

El malestar que mas tengo hasta la fecha es fatiga. Tengo sueño y estoy cansada casi todo el dia y toda la noche. No importa cuanto duerma durante el dia o que tan temprano me vaya a dormir en las noches simplemente el sueño no se me quita.
Eh podido dormir durante el dia un poco porque estoy en vacaciones de verano y casi todos los dias no paso de las 9 de la noche y caigo dormida.

Tambien eh tenido un poco de nausea casi todos los dias, no es mucho solo cuando no como por varias horas es cuando se me viene mas fuerte pero ya aprendi a cargar con mis galletas saladas o vegetales en la bolsa para que no me pase eso.

Uno de los retos que mas me ha costado trabajo es el de tomar 64oz de agua diarias. Lo mas que eh podido tomar son 50oz pero ya casi llego a las 64.

Ayer comenze a sentir como los musculos de mi estomago se estiraban, me estaba riendo muy fuerte y de repente en la mitad de mi estomago senti un dolor que nunca habia sentido antes y desde ahi eh sentido como todos los musculos se mueven y se estiran para hacer lugar para que crezca nuestro bebe.

Aparte de todo esto no hemos notado mucho la diferencia todavia, han sido unas muy ligeras 9 semanas.

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