Saturday, February 27, 2016

Oh Baby #2 {29 Weeks}

29 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a Acorn Squash
Weight: 151lbs (+13lbs)
Likes: smoothies
Dislikes: chicken (again)

Oh Baby #2 {25 Weeks}

25 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a CAULIFLOWER 
Weight:148lbs. (+10lbs)
Likes: Frozen yogurt
Dislikes: heartburn 

Oh Baby #2 {Week 24}

24 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a Cantaloupe 
Weight: 145lbs. (+15lbs)
Likes: pineapple & jelly filled doughnuts 
Dislikes: going to the bathroom every 5min.