Thursday, September 15, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Oh Baby #2 {40 weeks}

40 weeks Pregnant.
Baby is the size of a WATERMELON
Weight: 160 lbs (+22lbs)
Likes: donughts
Dislikes: swollen hands and feet

We made it! We are finally FULL TERM! 
Now is just a slow waiting game until we meet our baby boy. 
Bags are packed, the apartment is clean and ready for the arrival of our second arrow. Everyone is anxicous and so at we but we will wait patiently for God's perfect time. 

Looking back at the previous weekly pictures I can see that I missed a lot of weeks, it was very hard to get ready and get a toddler to cooperate for the weekly bump photo but we did it, as often as we could, and I will try to do it again and better next time. 

Zara's Week of Fun!

A couple weeks before my due date I decided to spend a whole week having quality time with Zara doing fun things outdoors. Since I know when baby comes we will have to change our routine and slow things down a bit. 

Zara's Week of Fun:

Day 1. Planting and caring for home made Bonsai trees with my dad. 
Z has a genuine love for plants and everything that has to do with water, so when we gave her the opportunity to water the plants she was thrilled, although we had to stop her from drowning them she still enjoyed gardening outside.

Day 2. Baby cakes cupcakes.

I limit sugar consumption to the weekends only (I don't follow this all the time, but when it comes to Zara, she doesn't see any sweets during the week only the weekend and very limited) but this week is the exception. For day 2 our friend Mayra joined us for a delicious cupcake at my favorite place.

Day 3. Imperial Beach Pier
The weather has been lovely and a day at the beach was just what we needed for day 3.
Zara chased seagels, ran up and down the pier and got her legs wet in the ocean until she got exhausted. 
It was a fun day, just to see her big smile made all my exhaustion go away. 

Day 4. Balboa Park
Balboa park is very dear to my heart, we got married there and I love taking her there and making new memories in such a beautiful place.
She was a fan of the coil fish pond and the Spanish Village. 

Day 5. Rohr Park
To be honest by this day I didn't want to do anything but I owed it to her to finish the week of fun I promised so we went to the park. I found a nice shade and let her run around chasing bugs and playing on the play structure. It was a good day for the both of us.

Day 6. Disney Store
On Saturday Jon joined our week of fun since he is off on the weekends and we took her to the Disney store to get the toy of her choice. What's a fun week without a new toy.
She always ends up picking a ball.

Day 7. Church
Before we leave the house she always picks a toy to take to the car with her, and that bear is my favorite one because it smells like strawberries. Anyhow, on Sunday's we always go to church so to end the "week of fun" we couldn't have it any other way.

Oh Baby #2 {39 Weeks}

39 weeks Pregnant.
Baby is the size of a JACKFRUIT
Weight: 160 lbs (+22lbs)
Likes: chocolate 
Dislikes: intense back pain

I can almost see the finish line, I am more than ready for this baby to come out. 
Back pain is a constant pain every night, makes it hard to breath and sleep so I've been mostly trying to sleep sitting up. 
Zara still needs to be held at night (by me) to be able to fall asleep so bed time has been a challenge but it's been getting done gracefully. 

The last few appointments with my midwife have been very positive, no signs of preeclampsia and everything seems to be in order for a natural birth at the birth center. I am nervous and excited at the same time. 

Oh Baby #2 {31 weeks}

31 weeks Pregnant.
Baby is the size of a COCONUT
Weight: 155 lbs (+17lbs)
Likes: milk with ice
Dislikes: lots of heartburn

baby has been measuring a week ahead of schedule, he is getting heavier and I have been slowing down a lot. 
I've had a lot of help from friends and family with Zara since I haven't been able to do much with her because of my ever growing belly. 

My blood pressure was high during my previous pregnancy so the midwife has been monitoring it very closely and although I've had some swelling of the hands and feet the levels this time around have been on the normal range and the swelling looks like it might just be another symptom of the pregnancy. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Oh Baby #2 {30 weeks}

30 weeks Pregnant.
Baby is the size of a CUCUMBER
Weight: 152 lbs (+14lbs)
Likes: yogurt (any flavor) 
Dislikes: lots of heartburn

The belly game is strong. My spine feels like it is on fire, I haven't gained too much weight but the weight of the belly is taking a toll on my back and knees. 

I have started to have trouble sleeping comfortably at night, a combination of heartburn, back pain and shortness of breath makes it hard to rest at any time really, but specially at night. 

I spend most of my days entertaining Zara from the couch or we go to my parents house and I get some extra help when they are home.

It sounds like week 30 brought more bad things to report but I truly enjoy being pregnant is just that the bigger this belly gets I have to slow down but in the midst of all the uncomfortable I love every day I get to feel the kicks and the moves inside my belly and I KNOW I will miss it. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Oh Baby #2 {29 Weeks}

29 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a Acorn Squash
Weight: 151lbs (+13lbs)
Likes: smoothies
Dislikes: chicken (again)

Oh Baby #2 {25 Weeks}

25 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a CAULIFLOWER 
Weight:148lbs. (+10lbs)
Likes: Frozen yogurt
Dislikes: heartburn 

Oh Baby #2 {Week 24}

24 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a Cantaloupe 
Weight: 145lbs. (+15lbs)
Likes: pineapple & jelly filled doughnuts 
Dislikes: going to the bathroom every 5min.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Oh Baby #2 {22 Weeks}

22 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a BURGER
waist:36in (+11in)
Weight:138 (+8lbs)
Likes: smoothies 
Dislikes: fried food

This past week insomnia kicked in. I don't know if it was a bad thing, since I have been hating fatigue so much. At least I got some house cleaning and some other little projects done after dark.

With this pregnancy I haven't had much of a real appetite all I want is small appetizers and soups, anything fried makes me nauseous and meat and chicken are not my friends right now. 
I guess I can survive with fruits, vegetables and soup right?....and the ocational grilled cheese sandwich. 
Since I was 20 weeks I started slowing down. If I want to accomplish something I need to make sure it is before 3pm otherwise it won't get done. In the evening a I get a lot of back pressure and my baby reminds me that it is time to slow down by pressing against my belly very hard in different spots. 
So in the evening I like to take a warm shower and just sit and enjoy my time with Zara until Jon gets home from work. 

22 Semanas 
Bebe es del tamaño de una HAMBURGUESA
Cintura: 36in (+11in)
Peso: 138lbs (+8lbs)
Antojos: licuados de frutas
No me gusta: la comida frita

Esta semana pasada el insomnio se hizo notar. No lo veo como algo malo porque estaba cansada de la fatiga. Al menos pude hacer limpieza de la casa y otros pequeños proyectos al anochecer. 

En este embarazo no eh tenido mucho apetito. Todo lo que se me antoja son pequeños bocadillos y sopas. Cual quier cosa que este frita me causa nauseas y el pollo y la carne no son mis predilectos. 
Creo que sobreviviré con frutas, vegetales y sopas y el sándwich de queso ocasionalmente. 

Desde que tenía 20 semanas comenzó a hacer todo mas despacio. Si quiero hacer algo tengo que asegurarme de hacerlo antes de las 3 de la tarde, si no, ya no lo hago. 
En la tarde siento bastante presión en la espalda y mi bebe me recuerda que es tiempo de descansar cuando me aprieta desde adentro el atinado en diferentes lugares. 
Así que me doy un baño tibio y me siento a disfrutar mi tiempo con Zara hasta que llega Jon de trabajar.